The SOR4D programme

The Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme is a joint funding instrument between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) that builds on experiences and lessons learnt in previous joint programmes. The SOR4D programme is being implemented in the “Decade of Action” that is accelerating efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda).

The overarching goal of the SOR4D programme is to produce better knowledge, solutions and innovation by needs-driven, transdisciplinary research that opens up new ways for advancing sustainable development and reducing poverty in the least developed, low and lower middle-income countries.

The SOR4D programme has three objectives:

  1. Researchers and development actors will jointly generate in their respective geographical contexts needs-based, solution-oriented knowledge that contributes to sustainable development and poverty reduction in the Global South and East. This includes validation in those contexts.
  2. Project partnerships and networks will test and disseminate research results with potential for innovation. This will include diverse forms of upscaling.
  3. Researchers and development actors will enhance their competences in conducting solution-oriented transdisciplinary research in partnership for addressing systemic and complex development challenges. This includes sharing their findings with other academics and practitioners.

The SOR4D programme will operate from 2022 to 2026 with an overall budget of about 19 million Swiss Francs.